Friday, April 23, 2010

Imagine this...

Ok... just a quick thought here. Let's say that sometime in the future, someone created a time machine. They decide to go into the past and have a desire to explore the world of the past. However, let's say that while they were doing this, they slightly changed how something occured in the past and it caused the future to change and the man who made the time machine never made it. What would happen?

Could it really happen?

So I've been discussing the ignorance of time travel and how it should never be allowed. But let's talk realistically here... could time travel even exist or be possible? Well in modern times, it is virtually impossible. According to modern theories of time travel, we do not have the resources or knowledge of how to create some sort of device to perform this. One method of time travel is to travel through a black hole. Physicists claim that the amount of energy required to make a black hole is beyond our capabilities. So even though multiple theories exist about the possibilities of time travel, in is unlikely that we will see it happen during our lifetime.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is Time Travel Possible?

Check out my video bar!!

I know my blog has mainly consisted of attacking the idea of time travel, but if your interested in learning more about it then check out my video bar! It consists of random youtube videos that explain the process of time travel. The theory itself is very interesting and realistically explains how time travel could be possible. So check it out!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Would it really matter?

So i mentioned earlier how we could never know if someone had changed the course of time because we would unconciously have different lives. But if we would never know about it then would it really matter or affect us at all if this were to occur? You would think that it was simply your normal life and nothing had ever been any different. So why would it matter then if it would never "affect" you? Well perhaps your life would have been better before a time traveler changed it and it is unfair that your life had to be made worse. Or vis versa. Someones life could have been much worse but then it was made much better. The cycle balances itself out. So do you really care if your life was altered because of a time traveler but you would never be aware of the change? Feel free to answer the poll given concerning this question.

Don't drink and time travel

We all know drinking and driving is bad. What about drinking and time traveling? If time travel were to come into existence, this would be something that must have to be stopped. A drunkard going back into time could severely alter the course time took. He or she would probably be careless and just be a big problem. So remember, if time travel ever did exist, be careful and definitely don't drink. Well actually...just don't go time traveling at all so I actually know for certain if I am living my original life.

Think About It

So how do we know if someone has ever gone back into time and changed the entire course of history starting from the time they decided to go? Well...truth is we don't. It is impossible to know. But this gets into the topic of the foolishness of time travel. Even if the person who decided to travel back into time only wanted to change a minute detail in history, that could have catastrophic effects. Allow me to explain.
First of all, put this into some perspective of your life. If you did even the tiniest thing different in the past, you will never be in the exact same spot at the exact same time as before. Sooner or later, that will catch up to you. If you were to originally get in a car accident, you would not be at that same exact spot at the same exact time if something minutely different, like sneezing, that did not originally happen had taken place in the past.
Back to the Future had it all wrong. It may seem as though sometimes they thought very 4th dimensionally, but in reality, they did not. In the movie, he changed the way his parents interacted with each other and he even changed the way his parents met. Without getting into "rated R" details, he would not exist. Sure his parents might have still had children, but they would have been different children because of one thing i mentioned before: timing.
So if you ever think that traveling in time might be "cool", think again because once it happens, you might end up never existing in the first place and that would be very unfortunate.