Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't drink and time travel

We all know drinking and driving is bad. What about drinking and time traveling? If time travel were to come into existence, this would be something that must have to be stopped. A drunkard going back into time could severely alter the course time took. He or she would probably be careless and just be a big problem. So remember, if time travel ever did exist, be careful and definitely don't drink. Well actually...just don't go time traveling at all so I actually know for certain if I am living my original life.

1 comment:

  1. If time travel did become a reality this could be a huge issue. Currently we have major issues with drinking and driving but if people drank while traveling through time there could be even more problems. For example, what if somebody was drinking and while traveling through time and space crashed into an influental person from the past such as Lincoln, Hitler, or even Jesus! This could be disaterous to how the future would unravel. Or what if a drunk time traveler went back in time, told everyone in the past how to time travel and they started time traveling so no one was even there when the next person showed up from the future and eveyone was all over time and space and no one was making history in their correct time frame!! to top it all off this drunkard had aids and everyone in the past got sick and died! This would be horrible. What if people time traveled without wearing a seatbelt!!?
