Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final Blog

For my final blog, I would like to dicuss a little about myself. When asked the question, "What can of mind are you?", I certainly know what my answer would be. I would be the creating mind; the mind the breaks new ground and puts forth new ideas and poses unfamiliar question while arriving at unexpected answers. As you can tell from my blog, I create new ideas about a certain issues and bring about questions that some may not have thought of while pondering about my topic. I have talked about how time travel can be very irresponsible in ways you may never have imagined. Throughout my life, I have thought about topics such as time travel and attempted to think about the topic in ways never covered, at least as far as I know. This is why I am a creating mind.
I feel that I truly exemplfied asking provacative questions. Many of my posts should have got the reader thinking about whether what I express is reality or if its all just bologne. If one did not think that while reading my blog, then this only means that they truly had no interest in the topic of my blog. I also feel they I exhibited curiosity. I have always thought about many of the topics covered in my blog and been very curious about it. I also hope that the I allowed the reader to become curious about my time travel blog. Finally, I feel that I exemplify experimenting with new ideas. In life, whenever I am presented with an idea that truly interests me, I have no choice but to think about these ideas and experiment with them. I believe that I brought about many new ideas in this blog and many I would thoroughly enjoy experimenting with.
I never realized that continually discussing one simple topic could be so thought provoking, even since it was my own blog. I expanded upon the topic in ways that I have never trully expanded in some topic before. I stated my beliefs, and then pursued them even farther digging deeper and deeper into my question of the irresponsibility of time travel.

More About it

So I watched some more of Stephen Hawking's into the universe and he explains some very interesting topics on time travel. First of all, many of the methods that he explains concerning time travel he says have a very low chance of actually being capable of invention. However, he does believe that on method of time travel is possible. This form of time travel only consists of future time travel and consists of traveling the speed of light.
Scientists and Physicists believe that one of nature's laws is that nothing (except light) is allowed to travel the speed of light. If man built an object capable of moving something the speed of light (which in a way we have), then nature itself will slow time down in that machine. Therefore, if people were on board a train capable of traveling the speed of light, time for them would be slowed down and everything outside of the train around them would be traveling faster. Therefore, while the people inside this incredibly fast train may only feel like they have gone through a week in time, everything around them may have aged by a hundred years. Therefore they have traveled into the future in a way.
Therefore, this process does not require some special and incredibly complex device that goes into a parallel universe or any sort of jargon like that, but instead is sort of nature's own time travel into the future. Because this only goes into the future, I do not believe time travel such as this would be irresponsible and ignorant.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stephen Hawking

We have all heard of the Stephen Hawking. He is the reknown physician, scientist, etc. He is involved with virtually anything sciency. Recently, he began a program on the Discovery Channel that discusses several different topics that concern the universe. He explores topics from here on earth to the beginning of the universe.
Recently, he just had a short discussing the possibility of time travel. Throughout the program, he discussed how time travel is not possible. His methods of proving this theory were both noteworthy and comical. For example, he held a party and invited people from the future by placing invitations in metal canisters that would not decompose and placed them so that people in the future would be able to find them. When his party was held, however, no one from the future traveled back in time proving that time travel had, and will not, be invented in the future.
However, I recently found an article from him explaining the possibility of time travel. Take a look at it! click here. His explanation for this is complex yet simple. But go ahead and read it so I don't risk sounding like a fool that I probably already have.